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mulle-objc-list generates CSV style information from dynamic libraries, that contain mulle-objc code. You can list the contained classes, methods and properties. It’s the backbone of the mulle-objc tool set.

mulle-objc-lista is the variant that handles static libraries.

See mulle-objc-runtime for more details.


Generates the @selector() hash value from a string. This can be useful when writing C code, that calls Objective-C.

$ mulle-objc-uniqueid alloc
mulle_objc_object_call( self, 0xab1bb16b, nil);

See mulle-objc-runtime for more details.


Generates the required MulleObjCLoader category files for a library. This tool is used in the modern workflow to generate the proper dependency information.

See mulle-objc-list for more details.


Separates an ‘@encode()’ Objective-C type into constituents, separated by ‘;’. This can be useful for creating inspection tools.

$ mulle-objc-uniqueid alloc ^v@:@"NSString"

See mulle-objc-runtime for more details.


A little utility to fake a “class-coverage.csv” entry.

$ mulle-objc-printline --method -foo --category Foo Bar

See Coverage for more details about mulle-objc coverage information.


Grep through libraries to find the matching string for a selector, classid, protocol et.c. This can be useful when debugging optimized code.

$ mulle-objc-searchid ab1bb16b
@selector( alloc) is ab1bb16b

See mulle-objc-list for more details.


Used by the library optimization process, that unpacks and repacks static libraries to only contain required classes and categories.

See mulle-objc-list for more details.


Creates a list of methods not being messaged during a programs run. This can be useful for finding missing tests.

See Coverage for more details about mulle-objc coverage information.


Check out the legacy workflow for an alternative to the modern workflow.