mulle-objc forward speed makes object composition an alternative
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One of the “Patterns” of OO programming is composition. Basically you add references to other objects into your object and forward messages to them. An example of composition would be this:

@interface MyOrderedDictionary : NSDictionary
   NSDictionary   *_other;
   NSArray        *_order;
- (NSUInteger) count;
- (id) objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger) index;
- (id) objectForKey:(id <NSCopying) key;

@implementation MyOrderedDictionary

- (NSUInteger) count
   return( [_order count]);

- (id) objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger) index
   return( [_order objectAtIndex:index]);

- (id) objectForKey:(id <NSCopying) key
   return( [_other objectForKey:key]);


This is nice but can get tedious if you need to implement a lot of methods.

Less typing with forwarding and NSInvocation

Once you have this code in place, you can forward all unknown method calls to the array instance but send -objectForKey: to the dictionary instance:

@implementation MyOrderedDictionary

- (NSMethodSignature *) methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL) sel
   if( sel == @selector( objectForKey:))
      return( [_other methodSignatureForSelector:sel]);
   return( [_order methodSignatureForSelector:sel]);

- (void) forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *) anInvocation
   if( [anInvocation selector] == @selector( objectForKey:))
      [anInvocation setTarget:_other];
      [anInvocation setTarget:_order];
   [anInvocation invoke];


This is still a lot of typing, it’s also slow. It’s not as slow as in the Apple runtime (ca. 10* faster) but still quite slow.

Even less typing with forward:

As selectors are a type of integer in mulle-objc, we can even use a switch here:

@implementation MyOrderedDictionary

- (void *) forward:(void *) _param
   switch( _cmd)
   case @selector( objectForKey:) :
      target = _other;

      target = _order;
   return( mulle_objc_object_call( target, (mulle_objc_methodid_t) _cmd, _param));


This is way faster than using NSInvocation and the difference to a handcoded forward method as in the introduction is minimal. This makes composition feasible.